Your mortgage is insured, right?
As a homeowner, your lender no doubt offered you insurance protection to ensure your mortgage would be repaid in the event of your premature death and mortgage payments would be made for you in the event of disability. You probably applied for and obtained that lender provided insurance protection. To the survivors of your family, this can bring relief in knowing the mortgage could be paid off. However,
‐ The mortgage lender is the beneficiary, not you or your family.
‐ As you pay down your mortgage, your premiums remain the same – you’re paying more for less.
‐ It is not a 100% guarantee that your mortgage will be paid as the mortgage insurer follows a process called
“Post Claim Underwriting”.
What is the Solution?
‐ Replace your Mortgage Insurance with personally owned Insurance
‐ Life Insurance protection that pays TAX FREE directly to a beneficiary of your choice.
‐ Insurance protection that pays TAX FREE directly to you in the event of disability or critical illness.
‐ Personalized coverage that is specific to you and your family’s needs!
I work with some of Canada’s top insurance companies to create a personal package unique to you and your family’s needs.
If you would like a no obligation review, have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to helping you!
Douglas J. Bodtcher
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
780-448-1988 ext. 284