Preparing your home for a long Edmonton winter
Fall is the best and most appropriate time for preparing your home for the bitter cold of winter. Winterization protects against the damage caused by broken water pipes and from the heat loss caused by openings in the building envelope. Every inspector should know what is involved in winterization and they should pass this information to their clients.
Everyone knows that hot air goes up. This is why a significant amount of heat is lost in the attic more than any other part of the house. Make sure the house has the proper amount of attic insulation which prevents warm indoor air from escaping. Attic insulation should be at least 12 inches thick in cold climates but this depends on the amount of space for proper ventilation in an attic space.
Also, make sure storm doors and windows are installed properly to insulate the house and protect against bad weather.
Heating Systems
The heating system is constantly working during the winter, especially for those of us in Edmonton. Here are some inspection tips that will help homeowners:
1. Test the furnace by raising the temperature on the thermostat; if it does not turn on then something is wrong so make sure to get it repaired as soon as possible.
2. Check the air filter and replace it if it is dirty.
3. Make sure the propane and/or oil is always full if your furnace uses one.
Replace missing shingles from the roof before the winter hits. Debris left in gutters can get wet and freeze which then can form into ice dams that stop water from draining properly; trapped water in the gutters can enter the house and lead to mold growth so make sure you remove all pine needles, leaves, and everything else from the gutters.
Source: Full Scope Inspections Inc.
Tags: Home improvements, Tips