Giving Thanks
This coming Monday is Thanksgiving Day.
Many people across Canada, from coast to coast to coast, will celebrate with their families and give thanks for not only the freedom, but the privilege, of living in this great country.
Monday is also a time to celebrate with our families and loved ones and enjoy the bounty that Canada and our individual provinces provide us.
Monday is a very good day to be thankful for a minimum of 10 things in your life:
1. Be thankful for the freedom Canada offers us
2. Be thankful for your spouse/significant other
3. Be thankful for your children, your grandchildren
and your great-grandchildren
4. Be thankful for the home you live in
5. Be thankful for the health you enjoy
6. Be thankful for your employment/job/company
7. Be thankful for the great blessings and abundance
Canada offers
8. Be thankful for the freedom to vote, which is denied
to millions around the world
9. Be thankful for the freedom to elect the government
officials of your choice
10. Be thankful for the freedom to worship as you choose
“There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens the windows of opportunity for ideas to flow your way.”
– Jim Rohn
Source: Peter Legge O.B.C. is Chairman / CEO of Canada Wide Media Limited