CREA Home Sales Forecast
Monthly MLS® home sales activity continues to run strong, with new monthly records set in July, September and October. This has prompted CREA to revise its MLS® home sales forecast for 2009 and 2010.
CREA now forecasts national activity will reach 460,200 units in 2009, up 6.6% from last year. The new sales forecast for 2009 puts activity about on par with annual activity in 2004, but below levels reported for the years 2005 through 2007. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island are also now forecast to post an annual increase in activity in 2009.
National MLS® home sales activity is forecast to rise 7% to 492,300 units in 2010. This would make 2010 the second highest year on record for sales, putting activity below the peak reached in 2007 and slightly above the 2005 and 2006 figures. The forecast increase in activity for 2010 reflects significant weakness in activity recorded in the first quarter of 2009. Monthly activity in 2010 is expected to trend downward from recent heights, but the sharp drop inactivity recorded in the in the first quarter of 2009 is not expected to repeat in 2010.
The national MLS® average home price is forecast to climb 4.2% in 2009, reaching a record $317,900. This is an upward revision from the 1.5% gain in CREA’s previous forecast and reflects the high degree to which the national average price was skewed downward last year by a significant decline in activity in Canada’s priciest markets, and then upward by the rebound in activity.
Alberta remains the only province with a forecast decline in average price in 2009 (-3.0%). Average prices are forecast to rise in all other provinces, with gains ranging from 1.5% in British Columbia to 13.1% in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Average prices are forecast to climb a further 4.7% in 2010. Much of the annual increase reflects weakness in the average price in first quarter of 2009, which is not expected to repeat in 2010. Average sale prices are forecast to rise in every province in 2010.
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