Save yourself money and buy now
If you are thinking about buying a home in the near future you should consider doing sooner than later as higher selling prices and higher mortgage rates. This will either mean you will end up a lesser home or have to pay higher mortgage payments for the same home.
Start your search today by searching all MLS listed homes at
Also consider getting pre-approved for your a mortgage. Getting pre-approved will allow you to lock today’s interest rates for the next 90 – 120 days protecting yourself against any further interest rate increases.
For a mortgage pre-approval we recommend the following mortgage specialists:
The Mortgage Group – Chita
cell: (780) 932-2225
CIBC – Mark
cell: (780) 720-4826
Scotiabank – Lily
cell – (780) 668-6811
Buying now could potentially save you thousands of dollars… why wait??
Sincerely Yours,
Tags: edmonton real estate, housing market, money tips, mortage rates, Tips