South LRT to Heritage Valley
About the Project
In July 2008, Council approved the Concept Plan for the South LRT Extension from Century Park to the south city limit. The Concept Plan defined the alignment and station locations for this extension.
Progress on the South LRT project has occurred in stages. Preliminary Engineering from Century Park to Ellerslie Road was completed in 2010. Concept plans for Ellerslie Road to 41 Avenue SW were approved in 2009 and 2010.
The South LRT is part of the Transportation Master Plan’s vision to expand LRT service to all sectors of the City by 2040.
Because land use and transportation are closely linked, LRT growth will be guided by the principle of transit oriented development. Its goal is to create compact neighbourhoods with a mixture of residential, employment, recreational and business opportunities within convenient walking distance of transit.
Future Park and Ride
Preliminary engineering for the Park and Ride at Ellerslie Road and 127 Street is complete. Timelines for completing the detailed design and construction of the Park and Ride at Ellerslie Road are dependent on project approval from City Council.
Land Use Planning
Land use planning is interconnected with the extension of the LRT south of Ellerslie Road. Approval of the NASPs for Heritage Valley Town Centre and Desrochers and confirmation of the LRT alignment, station locations and right-of-way requirements are complete. These will facilitate land use and transportation plans in these rapidly expanding residential areas.
Click here to watch a video on the South LRT Extension Fly-Through and here for all future LRT extensions.
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Tags: LRT, News, Trasportation