Edmonton Real Estate Investments and Vacancy Rates
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We all know that the real estate market is bad right now. Valuation have dropped in excess of 30% from it peak. Is that a bad thing or good thing??? Well if you are a buyer that is a terrific thing, specially if you are or want to be a real estate investor.
Currently in Edmonton we have about an overall 3% vacancy rate, but that includes all rental units including apartments. However the vacancy rate for single family dwellings is less than 1% which is great news for the real estate investor wanting to rent single family homes.
With valuations to the level they are now and with the economic outlook for the Edmonton area for the next 10 years NOW is the time to be investing.
With over 20 years of real estate and investing experience I can help guide you to the best investment opportunities out there. Call me today on my cell 780-995-6520 to discuss which opportunities might be great for you.